Our nation and our people are facing enormous challenges. But we have faced many seemingly insurmountable challenges in the past. Our brothers and sisters of every color, background and ethnicity are struggling to be heard and are in pain. We must all come together in order for our Nation to heal. Be kind, be forgiving, be tolerant and respect our diversity and basic human dignity.

Communicating, Consulting, Navigating

Business Management Is A Challenge Under the Best of Circumstances

25 Years of Business Ownership and 14 Years of Non Profit Management - Put them to work for your organization.

Primetime in El Paso

Richard Dayoub hosts weekly interviews each Saturday at 1:00 p.m. You can access and listen to these interviews by clicking the drop down menu on the KTEP website and visiting El Paso Primetime under programs.

About Richard E. Dayoub

Richard E. Dayoub is the founder and principal of Thunderbird Management Consulting, LLC. He began his career in the chamber world in 2003 as the Chief Operating Officer...

Business Management

I owned and managed a mid-size company for thirty-two years.  Even with a large and very capable, talented and loyal team of employees, a business owner still wears several hats and is expected to ...

Defense and the Military

We have spent the last several years living under the cloud of uncertainty otherwise known as Continuing Resolutions (CRs). The Federal Government still has not approved an operating budget.

Non Profit Management

Easily, one of the most demanding and complicated business platforms, successful management of a non-profit organization requires a thorough understanding of complex management policies and regulations.

Public Policy and Government Relations

Public policy and effective advocacy is now, and has always been about proven integrity, building relationships and establishing trust. I have devoted the past 40 years building my reputation on these core principles.

Strategic Planning

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in business applications.  Our approach to strategic planning is elemental. The ultimate goal in completing a strategic plan should be to assist the client in identifying ...

BLOG: Five Levels of Leadership

Not everyone wants to be a leader but for those who do, what kind of a leader do you want to be?  What kind of a leader are you?  Do you see yourself as others see you?


I have known and have had the privilege to work with Richard Dayoub for more than ten years. First with Buck Rogers Travel, then in his role as CEO of The Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, and more recently in his capacity with Thunderbird Management ...

-K. Alan Rusell
The Tecma Group Companies

For many years, I have worked with Richard Dayoub in my role as a Chamber leader and in various advocacy opportunities that we both are committed to move forward.  Richard is extremely professional and knowledgeable...

-Mr. Gus Rodriguez, Jr.,
Chairman of the Board of Governors, 2010.

Stay in the Know

We are all expected during our busy workday to keep up with market trends and best practices. How do you accomplish this when there are already so many demands on your time? The subject matter covered in this section is intended to provide the reader with concise, helpful information that has practical applications in day-to-day operations. Thunderbird Management Consulting has a unique approach in providing advice and guidance: we first listen to the client’s concerns. During our initial consultation, at no cost to the client, we conduct an environmental scan and offer preliminary recommendations.